Monday, February 12, 2007

Into Cambodia

We are in Cambodia for a week. We decided to come here instead of spending a 4th week in Thailand. I am glad we came. It is very easy for tourists here, just like Thailand. There are aspects that are more like India. We went to a great market yesterday. Lots of food, but other things too - clothes, bicycles. The kids were a bit freaked out by the pigs head and the roasted whole birds on a stick. They were a bit bigger than sparrows. Today at a temple we saw baby turkeys and we figure that is what they were. Someone must eat a passle of 'em, they were stacked up like cordwood.

Today we did the Ankor Wat and surrounding temples...oops I started this post a few days ago.

We went on the temple circuit of Ankor--Ankor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm. By the time we were finished with them everyone was sweating like proverbial wheels of cheese and the kids had had enough culture. Luckily our $21 US (with breakfast) hotel had a swimming pool so the kids forgot their cares within seconds of returning home. There are lots of other temples and adults could probably happily spend a few days going around them, but we have found the kids will only tolerate so many temples per country. Fair enough I suppose. Too much of a good thing and all that...

We travelled by bus pretty much all the next day to get to Sihanoukville on the south coast. It is like all beach resorts the world round. Luckily kids and families the world round love beach resorts so we have spent a happy couple of days here. We went on a snorkelling trip today. The reefs are pretty much totalled round here because they often fish using dynamite. The kids have never seen coral before so they were impressed. It is a good thing we haven't gone to the Barrier Reef yet. It was nice to spend a day on the water on a rustic boat (albeit with 14 other tourists). We visited two snorkelling spots and had a barbeque barracuda lunch on an island.

Off to Phnom Penh tomorrow....

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